ATLANTA, Georgia - If you have every wondered what our iCAN Youth Members are capable of accomplishing, look no further than one of most motivated, self-driven youth members, Nadia Ansari, iCAN KIDS Virtual Chapter.
During 2019, Nadia approached iCAN with an idea - she wanted to create a video about kids living with chronic pain, a condition that Nadia herself is very familiar with. From her idea, Nadia developed, created, and launched a new video that focused on the need to create better pathways to care for patients living with this 'unseen' but deeply felt condition. To see Nadia's video, visit HERE.
Shared Nadia, "It's time to debunk those misconceptions and adopt the right approach to the management and treatment of chronic pain." Nadia's video, released earlier this fall, highlights testimonials from other patients that live with acute and chronic pain.
With her first patient-advocacy success story under her belt, Nadia is just getting started. She is actively seeking more youth participants to collaborate to share their own stories of living with chronic pain for a series of short videos.
To be featured in Nadia's next film, please send an email with your name, contact information, and age to