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Sponsoring Partners

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." ~ Dr. Seuss

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iCAN is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a platform to allow our youth members to share their voice within all facets of pediatric clinical research, healthcare, innovation, science, technology, and advocacy.  


Sponsorship funding goes towards getting our youth where they need to be to share their stories at conferences and with industry and community organizations such as the AAP, FDA, NORD, NIH, and the CDC.


With your help, we will be able to empower young people to play a more productive and satisfying role in their own health, the health of other youth, and those that come after. #iCANMakeADifference.

*For planning purposes, the FY 2024 sponsor funding due date will be March 31, 2024 to cover calendar year 2024 with recognition at the 2024 Summit.

Thank You to Our 2023 Sponsors

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Why Partner with iCAN? Here's What Our Sponsors
Have to Say.


Barbara Bierer, MD

Faculty Director of the Multi-Regional Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard (MRCT Center)

Professor of Medicine,

Harvard Medical School


The work of the MRCT Center in advancing global pediatric clinical trials is both strengthened and enhanced by our collaboration with iCAN. There is so much to learn from listening to young people about their own experiences in research. Bringing the voices of young people forward with agency and dignity is so important. Thank you iCAN.

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Gina Calarco 
Director at Labcorp Drug Development Inc.

"I began working with iCAN in 2015 to bring the youth’s perspective to the work I do.  Little did I know, these kids and families would be an instrumental teacher to me.  iCAN members are a wealth of information, always eager to share their experiences and insights, and full of innovative solutions.  I’m proud that Lab Corp Drug Development Inc. is a part of the ongoing support of iCAN and sharing the youth’s dedication to pediatric medicine and research.”

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Phyllis Kennel, MS RD LDN, PMP, Assistant Director, Clinical Operations at Duke Clinical Research Institute, and Pediatric Trials Network

"Having the opportunity to watch youth and their parents, learn and grow in their knowledge of clinical research and how they can impact outcomes was an amazing experience.  The passion that they have to improve clinical care for children is inspiring and I believe our future is in great hands.”


Mitch Herndon

Head of Clinical Trial Patient Engagement, UCB

"The idea of getting the insights, getting that input from kids is hugely important."

"Long story short is we're having a wonderful experience with iCAN and we're so lucky to work with them and we look forward to many collaborations in the future."

Click Below to hear Mitch talk more about iCAN and UCB!

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Courtney Tate

Sr Research Scientist

Pediatric Capabilities

Eli Lilly and Company

"The input received and interaction with the youth and parents was invaluable to our projects.  It is very motivating to see a group of youth so dedicated and involved in pediatric research!   We truly appreciate your insight and creative thinking, and we look forward to your input on additional projects!" 

Click Below to hear Courtney talk about iCAN and Eli Lilly!


Jessica Kofi & Nicole Goedhart
Faculty of Science, Athena Institute, VU University Amsterdam
PARADIGM International Liaison Group

"We obtained such rich and valuable input from all interview participants! We cannot thank you enough! It has been an absolute fruitful collaboration."

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Antoniou Fantana

Advisor-GPS Analytics


Eli Lilly and Company

"To me, iCAN has been incredibly powerful, inspiring, and humbling. It gave me the ability to speak to the smart, engaged kids who are battling various illnesses. I can think of no better way to truly be patient centric and centered."


Brooke Derby, MBA, MS

Executive Director, Strategy Lead Rare Disease

WorldWide Clinical Trials

"I genuinely walked away with very concrete ways to change the way we are doing things in clinical research, engaging and educating those interested.  From the order of assessments listed in informed consents to QR code to changing nurses on site to examination room info vs just waiting room to dedicated clinical research person in the event doctor is unavailable to, most importantly, sharing their experience throughout the entire clinical research journey means everything."

Click Below to hear Brooke talk about why iCAN is Important to Worldwide!


Leigh Anne Naas 

Community Manager, Patient Experience & Design Innovation
Eli Lilly and Company

"First off, I’d like to convey my gratitude to iCAN and Live Like Bella for your enthusiastic support of this social media conversation. Our @LillyTrials, thanks you for identifying a young adult survivor of pediatric cancer, she was a wonderful partner! Her responses were poised and informative, and we love how she brought her mother into the conversation. I can easily see why you recommended her for this opportunity."

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Melissa P. Keeney
Consultant-Design Team, Small Molecule Design and Development
Eli Lilly and Company

"As a pharmaceutical product designer, I need to truly understand our patients’ experiences and needs.  The iCAN summit provides a rare and unique opportunity to connect with well-informed, thoughtful youth and parents and hear their personal stories firsthand.  The feedback we received on the pill swallowing training has already been used to further development of the brochure and toolkit concept.  We hope to offer these training materials in upcoming pediatric clinical trials.  The information on the age that individuals learned to swallow pills helps to guide our thinking on age appropriate dosage forms.  Thank you very much to the iCAN participants for sharing their perspectives and helping us deliver meaningful solutions."


Dr Martine Dehlinger-Kremer,

Vice President Scientific Affairs, Pediatric Subject Matter Expert,

PRA Health Sciences

"Giving children and child advocacy groups a voice in pediatric drug development leads to better pediatric clinical trials, with enhanced recruitment and retention.  Lessons I’ve learned and shared from iCAN have led (our company) to bring improved pediatric clinical trials to life. Thank you iCAN!"

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