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About iCAN

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The International Children's Advisory Network, Inc., (iCAN) is a worldwide consortium of children’s advisory groups, known as Kids Impacting Disease Through Science (KIDS) and Young Persons Advisory Groups (YPAGS). These dedicated youth member groups work in unison around the world to provide a voice for children and families in medicine, research, and innovation. 

The International Children's Advisory Network, Inc., (iCAN) is a tax exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Please email our iCAN Treasurer, Jon Haygood, for additional information regarding tax payer status, invoicing, taxpayer ID number, or charitable donation. iCAN is incorporated and is an independent 501(c)3.

Please note: to be recognized as a sponsor at our annual summit, which takes place in July of each year, donations to iCAN need to be received by March 31st.

Our goal is to get our kids where they need to be to have their voices heard. Our amazing youth make a difference throughout all facets of pediatric healthcare and clinical research, through interactions with industry, by presenting original research at conferences, by innovating new solutions, by advocating for the pediatric patient voice in healthcare world-wide, and by telling their at stories at conferences and to organizations like the FDA, NIH, NORD.  Among our many community partners, iCAN is in collaboration with Georgia Tech, AAP Section on Advances in Therapeutics and Technology (SOATT), and other academia and non-profit/healthcare entities and institutions.  

To learn more about iCAN, check out the 2020 iSPI Spotlight Video below:

Making Youth the First Priority in Pediatric Healthcare

Our Mission

Our Mission

To foster greater global understanding about the importance of the pediatric patient and caregiver voice in healthcare, clinical trials, and research.

Our Vision

To be a global consortium of Youth Advisory Groups working together to provide a voice for children and families in health and research.

Our History

iCAN was launched June 22, 2015 at the first iCAN Summit held in Washington, D.C. by Founder, Dr. Charlie Thompson in order to support children around the world living with rare, chronic, and complicated diagnosis by providing opportunities to youth members to share their expert stories and experiences.

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