Thank you for joining us during the iCAN 2021 Summit. If you missed the event or if you would like to re-watch the iCAN Summit, check out the recorded sessions listed below. Be sure to sign up on our website to get updates for iCAN 2022 Summit. We can't wait to see you in Lyon, France!
2021 Wheel of Wow Winners
Day 1: Sreeja S. Day 2: Andrea A. Day 3: Zach K. Day 4: MaryClaire K. Day 5: Nadia
2021 Summit Posters
Day 1 Activities
Facemask Day was a big success! Check out photo booth video to see our iCAN Community sharing their safety and well during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Tuesday, July 13th
Art is Good Medicine Day was lots of fun. Check out the photo booth pictures to see what was shared.
Day 2 Activities
Day 3 Activities
Wacky Sock Day was great! Check out the photo booth pictures to see what kids wore! Thank you to DivvyUp for providing fun socks to our youth members!
Day 4 Activities
a Doctor Day was terrific. We learned all about 'thinking like a doctor' and better understanding the steps to helping patients. Check out the photo booth!
Think like a Doctor!
Learn what Doctors are thinking by solving a case study with interns at Connecticut Children's. Make sure you read the case study in advance!
Day 5 Activities
Check out the photo booth from today!