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Congratulations to Maddy Beetson, iCAN Youth Member, for Presenting at the Annual Lilly Symposium!

LILLY SYMPOSIUM, Indianapolis - the International Children’s Advisory Network, Inc. (iCAN) is so proud of our youth member, Maddy Beetson. As a member of iCAN KIDS Illinois Chapter, Maddy told her personal story at the 12th Annual Lilly Pediatric Symposium on November 1, 2022 to an audience of over 200 researchers, doctors, scientists, and medical professionals. The Symposium centered around the important topic, “Accelerating Drug Development in Pediatrics.”

As a way to improve medicine, research, science, and technology, Maddy represents one of the most important elements in the world of pediatric healthcare: the youth perspective. Sometimes overlooked, that perspective is essential to better understanding how medical professionals approach and develop treatment, clinical trials, and research. Without including the youth voice, healthcare, as a whole, is left bereft of that knowledge and inspiration. Youth speakers, like Maddy, are so important to the medical professionals who devote their careers to improving the medical field for all patients. As Courtney Tate from Lilly illustrates, “I wanted to send another update that Maddy did such an awesome job with her presentation and engagement with the symposium. We really appreciate the partnership with iCAN and with Maddy and Mark (Maddy’s father) able to join us. I’m so proud of Maddy and her ability to get up in front of the large group and have the courage to share her story. It really made the symposium a special event and added the personal touch and input from the individual.”

Special thanks to Courtney Tate, Lilly, Lisa Mulvaney, Lurie Children’s Hospital, and Dr. Lynne Yao, FDA, for supporting Maddy’s presentation. From iCAN, thank you to Maddy, for supporting pediatric healthcare around the world.

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