ATLANTA, Georgia - The International Children's Advisory Network, Inc. (iCAN) reached out to our our wonderful community partners, Wish Upon A Teen and KIDS Michigan to learn more from expert young adults on their journey of surviving and thriving beyond a diagnosis with childhood cancer. iCAN President, Leanne West moderated the intimate and sometimes, tearful and highly inspirational discussion. As a result, this beautiful up close and personal fireside-style chat provides a unique glimpse into the lives of four amazing heroes and their recognition of the supportive family, medical staff, and community supporters that made it a little bit easier to manage the rigors of a challenging diagnosis.
In support of November 20th, 2020, World Children's Day, iCAN is spotlighting courageous youth to gain further support for the continued need of innovative medicines, treatments, and most importantly, cures.
We encourage you to share their stories with your own youth, medical providers and community supporters to help support pediatric healthcare improvements and to inspire others to be strong in the face of potential adversity. To find more youth perspectives, visit our website at
#WishUponATeen #iCANMakeADifference #iCAN #Youth #LiveLikeBella #ChildhoodCancer #Cancer #WorldChildrensDay