ARLINGTON, VA - The Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC) has launched a brand-new patient-centered tool to help better support the needs of patients and families during the global pandemic. Understanding that patients are facing a completely new set of questions and concerns as they navigate complex healthcare decisions during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the tool was created to assist with candid conversations with providers to ensure that patients were able to access the knowledge they needed to make informed decisions about their own care.
From MDIC, "The @Medical Device Innovation Consortium worked with patients, patient advocates, and medical and scientific experts to develop a Patient Discussion Tool to help patients ask relevant questions regarding their care during the pandemic. This new tool will help patients make healthcare decisions by asking relevant questions about the benefits and risks associated with medical procedures during COVID-19."
To see the tool, please visit MDIC’s COVID-19 Patient Resource Page that has the tool in multiple formats for users as well as resources for patients to refer to.
We encourage you to share the below templates with your members, and affiliates who may benefit from the tool. You are also welcome to use the information provided for your posts!
Learn more and download the tool: To learn more about what the International Children's Advisory Network is doing to support youth members and their families during Covid-19, please visit,
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