ATLANTA, GA - This is a special guest article by iCAN Youth Council Leader, Ananya Ganesh.
iCAN Youth Council is working on an exciting new research project on the impact of COVID-19 on youth with chronic illness/disability. Below is an email format that I'd love for each team member in your chapter to send out to students and other peers at their schools or community organizations and support or advocacy groups. Of course, it may have to first be cleared by the principals, counselors, or other leaders at the respective institutions. The results of this survey based project will provide us with valuable insights as to what worked and what did not and also go a long way in helping stakeholders and health care providers recognize and prepare for challenges faced by youth with chronic illness/disabilities during times of crisis. Please feel free to reach out to me at if you have any additional questions or concerns. The draft of the email to be sent out with the approval of leaders at your institution is as follows:
Dear ------, "I am a member of an organization called Kids Impacting Disease Through Science (KIDS) and our mission is to work together with several world chapters to provide a voice for children and their families in medicine, research, and innovation. We are conducting a study on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various aspects of student lives - both physical and emotional. An important outcome of this survey will be to inform the medical community, caretakers, and educators of the specific and unique needs of children, especially those with chronic medical conditions, during a crisis. Whether remote learning hampered their learning experience or quarantine reduced their ability to receive necessary medication, we want to hear from students how the pandemic affected their lives and healthcare. It will take less than 2 minutes of their time, but the feedback will be invaluable in helping policy makers. Here is the link to the survey: The survey is anonymous and we will not collect any identifying information. If you have any questions please feel free to contact ---(insert team member contact) - Thank you!" On behalf of the iCAN youth council, I thank you for your efforts and participation. Sincerely, Ananya Ganesh Chair - iCAN Youth Council