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Writer's pictureAbby Clark

iCAN Joins Patient Engagement Open Forum

BRUSSELS, Belgium - iCAN President, Leanne West, just wrapped up a visit with European Patients' Academy, Paradigm, and Patient Focused Medicine. West, focusing on patients, shared valuable insight from learnings made through iCAN. "Finding opportunities to collaborate across a global scale, will help to enrich and support our international programming", shared West. "As we plan for our #2020iCANSummit, to be held in Lyon, France, we will be seeking international support to ensure that our youth members are able to share their voices. Together, we can improve pediatric healthcare."

iCAN President, Leanne West, at the 2019 Patient Engagement Open Forum, held in Brussels

The Patient Engagement Open Forum offered a great opportunity to get an in-depth overview of the impactful collaborative work streams in the patient engagement ecosystem and to network with professionals from the healthcare industry, patient advocates and organisations, regulatory representatives and nonprofits that are working together to make patient engagement the norm through tools, recommendations, good practices, framework and capacity building.

During her two-days of meetings, West and others, explored patient engagement beyond aspirations, and worked with multi-stakeholders to create positive change throughout healthcare. Over 250 participants attended, allowing for rich and diverse interaction with others from around the world designed to improve care for all patients and families.

To learn more about iCAN and the value of the pediatric patient voice, visit

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