ATLANTA, GA - On Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019, iCAN shared the need for supporting non-profits on Giving Tuesday. As an organization that is kid-powered, our funding helps to support programming, travel, and educational opportunities to children around the world, many of whom live with rare, complicated or chronic diagnosis.
In a generous outpouring of support, iCAN received $1525.00 during Giving Tuesday. Since 2014, iCAN has the goal of providing every child with the opportunity to participate in improving pediatric healthcare through sharing their expert stories by engaging within clinical research, science, pediatric medicine and medical device development, and advocacy. iCAN supports education within STEAM, and public speaking to help our young people advocate for themselves and for other children that may be unable to share their voice. In November, iCAN proudly unveiled a pilot for our first educational curriculum module, "Sharing Your Story".
And iCAN has a big value! In 2019, our first full class of iCAN youth graduated, heading to universities to learn further in careers such as medicine, public health, technology, biomedical development, psychology,

education and even legal fields. As our young adults graduate, many have sought continuance through iCAN as peer mentors and alumni leaders at their local chapters.
If you missed Giving Tuesday, there is still plenty of time to make a year-end contribution to iCAN. Please follow our DONATE button on our website at As we begin work on the 6th Annual iCAN Research and Advocacy Summit to be held in Lyon, France, we are grateful for the financial support to help us send children around the world to attend a week of learning. We encourage our community to become a sponsoring partner and help us send as many children as possible. To learn more about sponsorship, please visit .
Thank you for supporting our youth members! We appreciate you!