ATLANTA, Georgia - Pediatric drug development is at a critical juncture with growing regulatory demands and trial recruitment challenges. But there is exciting innovation today and in our horizon that we will help us get crucial medicines to children faster. Join our 2-day virtual symposium to bring together thought leaders and innovators in pediatric drug development to share and collaborate on ideas and new developments that are advancing pediatric drug development into a new era.
Joining Theresa Shalaby, Certara, Senior Regulatory Services Manager, is a host of community and regulatory speakers; including Amy Ohmer, Director, International Children's Advisory Network, Inc. (iCAN). All are invited to join to learn more about supporting patients and the pediatric health and research
The 2-day agenda of virtual talks, discussions, and roundtables covers a range of topics, including:
Innovative Techniques Toward Extrapolation and Efficient Pediatric Drug Development
Reaching Agreement with Regulators on Global Approach to Pediatric Drug Development
Neonatal Research Insights
Novel Clinical Trial Design
Multifaceted Approach to Patient Engagement in Pediatric Clinical Research
ABOUT THE ORGANIZERS: The organizing committee members of the Symposium have designed a program to encourage robust dialogue and share ideas.
Amy Cheung, Certara
Lynne Georgopoulos, Certara (Symposium Co-Chair)
Barry Mangum, Paidion Research
Solange Corriol Rohou, AstraZeneca
Mark Shapiro, xCures
Patrick Smith, Certara (Symposium Co-Chair)