Silver Spring, Maryland - The International Children's Advisory Network (iCAN) Kids Impacting Disease Through Science (KIDS) Georgia Chapter (former) President and current Youth Council Member, Paiger Meisner, presented at the June 18th, 2019 Patient and Caregiver Connection (P&CC) Town Hall through the Centers for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) for the first ever "Bring Your Passport: A tour to foster participations with Patient Organizations.
Meisner, a 17-year old high school senior from Atlanta, Georgia, shared expert insight towards the mission and vision of iCAN and the effort to share patient perspectives.
Meisner, the only youth presenter on the multi-disiplinary panel explained to the audience, "iCAN provides a platform in which patients and caregivers can share their voice to help improve pediatric healthcare."
To hear Meisner and to learn more about iCAN through the P&CC FDA event, please click on the link below.