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Madrid Poster
Hospital Infantil Unversitario Nino Jesu

Welcome to iCAN KIDS Madrid!


KIDS Madrid is pleased to join iCAN Research as one of the chapter groups.  Starting in early 2019, KIDS Madrid became part of the Kids and Families Impacting Disease through Science, or KIDS, initiative which is an advisory group of teens and families focused on understanding, communicating and improving the process of medical innovation and research experiences for children. KIDS Madrid is a member of the Hospital Infantil Universitario Nino Jesus and has over 140 years of history.  This hospital is a true "hospital for children", with great prestige over the national level. In 2008, a Foundation for Biomedical Research was created and in 2016, it was responsible for over 80 Clinical Trials and 100 scientific/medical articles.  

"What makes our iCAN KIDS Madrid Chapter Great"

In 2017, KIDS Madrid began meetings with the Hospital of San Joan de Deau (KIDS Barcelona) and AMIFE (Spanish Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine), along with the Director of Hospital Infantil Universitario Nino Jesus and the iCAN Research Director. Together, this group worked to form an outline to create a plan of establishing the first KIDS Madrid Chapter. In January, 2019, KIDS Madrid will interview selected youth members and begin a year-long curriculum to support the iCAN Mission about the importance of the youth voice in healthcare, clinical trials, and research.  

KIDS Madrid is delighted to be a part of iCAN Research.  

For more information about KIDS Madrid or to get in touch with a representative, 

Contact us at:

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