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Virtual Poster
Megan Ohio age 9
Logan Hood - San Antonio Virtual Chapter
Computer Class

Welcome to iCAN KIDS Virtual


KIDS Virtual is supported by the International Children's Advisory Network.  While the goal of iCAN is to ensure that all children have opportunities to help improve pediatric healthcare around the world, we recognize that for a variety of reasons, some children may not be able to attend in-person chapter meetings.  For that reason, iCAN has created a KIDS Virtual chapter to help support the patient voice using remote access web-based tools. All KIDS Virtual members have access to the curriculum, can participate in surveys, or have the opportunities to speak at conferences, industry, and organizations like the FDA. If there is no local chapter near you or it is difficult to attend in person, then KIDS Virtual is right for you!

"What makes our iCAN KIDS Virtual Chapter Great?"


KIDS Virtual has a dedicated focus to improve pediatric medicine, to raise the awareness about the importance of children’s involvement in the clinical trials and to define priorities for future research. All of the opportunities available through iCAN local chapters are now available to any child, not just those in certain cities or countries because we believe that every child everywhere should be able to share their voice.

To join KIDS Virtual, please send an email to or sign up below.

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