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Uganda Poster

Welcome to iCAN KIDS Uganda


KIDS Uganda is supported by the SWEDEN UGANDA AID (SWEDUGA) HEALTH CENTRE based in Katwadde Village and the Chairperson of For Healthy Sisters (FHS) in Kaziru Village in Masaka District of Uganda. 


"We are so grateful to be accepted as the Ugandan KIDS Chapter. KIDS UGANDA is so honored to be the
voice and actions of the many of our youth/children are struggling with complex medical issues or live
with chronic or rare disease, and to make matters worse, in rural communities many youths haven’t gotten
an opportunity to have diagnosed medical condition. KIDS UGANDA pledges to interest these children more in having their voices heard by individuals, industry, and lawmakers who can make a difference in pediatric healthcare particularly in rural communities that so much neglected.  We welcome anyone, organization, etc. that feels touched to work with KIDS UGANDA. "

"What makes our iCAN KIDS Uganda Chapter Great"

KIDS Uganda has a dedicated focus to improve pediatric medicine, to raise awareness about the importance of children’s involvement in clinical trials, and to define priorities for future research. 


KIDS Uganda believes that engaging children in health awareness programs can hugely help to reduce the silence attached to some health matters. KIDS Uganda is passionate about collaboration and seeks to improve pediatric care around the world through joining forces to share youth voices. 

KIDS Uganda is delighted to be a part of iCAN Research.  To contact or join KIDS Uganda,

Contact us at:

Sylvia Nakirangwa, Nurse and Chairperson For Healthy Sisters:

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