Welcome to iCAN KIDS Illinois Walter Payton!
We are the Chicago KIDS Advisory Board, the Walter Payton College Prep Chapter of iCAN.
Over the year, we have had:
Health professionals and speakers come to our school to talk to us about different parts of medicine, including cardiology, epidemiology, neurology, and many other areas of the medical field.
Numerous experiences in-person, including looking at the hearts of four people, including one person who smoked, and finding out that they have different-sized hearts.
Encountered a simulation that showed us how surgery is performed, and we were introduced to the Robotics Center, where people were trying to make it possible to perform surgery anywhere with the robot.
Learned about CPR and got the opportunity to attempt it on dummies.
Gave international feedback on comic books for kids and teens on how to learn about family members dealing with cancer, and we put electrodes in a plastic head to understand where doctors need to put them to perform EEGs.
"What makes our iCAN KIDS Illinois Walter Payton Chapter Great"
Over the course of the last few months, we have gained knowledge from different health experts and various areas of science, while influencing the future doctors, researchers, and scientists of the world.
KIDS Illinois Walter Payton is delighted to be a part of iCAN Research.
Contact us at:
Stefanie McCormack: SMcCormack@luriechildrens.org