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Welcome to iCAN KIDS Bay Area!

KIDS Bay Area is comprised of an energetic and passionate group of kids ages 8-18, and their families, who are committed to improving and enhancing the care experience of adolescents within the healthcare system. KIDS Bay Area is a member of the International Children’s Advisory Network (iCAN).

Members of KIDS Bay Area focus their energy on helping the community, learning more about health science professions, research, technology, and collaborating with staff and faculty to create opportunities and programs that enhance the adolescent experience both inpatient stays through outpatient clinic and within the broader pediatric medical community.

"What makes our iCAN KIDS Bay Area Chapter Great"

The KIDS Bay Area objectives are to…

* Help kids in need by conducting service projects.
* Learn, teach, and advocate for medicine, research, and innovation that improves the health and well-being of children.
* Engage in the process through projects and consultation activities with hospitals, researchers, and other partners in the public and private sectors.
* Provide input on research ideas, innovative solutions, unmet pediatric needs, and priorities.

* Making friends and having fun!

Contact us at:



KIDS Bay Area is delighted to be a part of iCAN Research.  

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