Welcome to iCAN KIDS Illinois!
We are the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Kids Advisory Board (KAB), and also serve as the iCAN KIDS Illinois Chapter. The Lurie Children’s KAB was started in 2006, so one of our strengths is our longevity. Our group currently has 17 active members, who meet monthly at Lurie Children’s. Our group members are between the ages of 13 and 18 years old. We all have a serious health condition that makes us a “frequent flyer” at Lurie Children’s. One of our greatest strengths is our diversity. We all come from different ethnic backgrounds, have a diverse list of conditions, and live in a variety of locations mostly in the Chicagoland area. We even have two members who travel more than 70 miles to attend our meetings.
Everyone contributes to this group and our members have great ideas. We work as a team, but also value each individual and what they bring to the group. We have a great relationship with our Facilitators, and we are encouraged to share openly.
Recent Projects and Focus Areas:
Sharing a special project from Youth Member Riya - read more here
Sending youth members of KIDS Illinois as ambassadors of iCAN to participate as panel speakers in FDA events designed to support patient engagement and better understanding of pediatric needs
Helping to create a FDA video to spotlight 'Rare Disease' in pediatrics
Participated in surveys to provide feedback to national iCAN sponsors and community partners
Sending youth members of KIDS Illinois as ambassadors of iCAN to participate in the 'World Children's Day' event hosted by PRA Health Sciences
Ongoing feedback for the redesign of the 22nd Floor Cardiac Care Unit
Upcoming involvement with redesign of 17th Floor Hematology/Oncology Floor
Brainstorming and review of 3 new informational videos being shown to patients:
What is Research?
What is Biobanking?
Pain Medicine for Children After Surgery
Advisement on the creation of an Ambulatory Clinic Module for future outpatient experience expansion
Theme selection and hosting for the Lurie Children’s Inpatient Prom
"What makes our iCAN KIDS Illinois Chapter Great"
One of our greatest strengths is our diversity. We all come from different ethnic backgrounds, have a diverse list of conditions, and live in a variety of locations mostly in the Chicagoland area. We even have two members who travel more than 70 miles to attend our meetings.
We love being able to share the voice of the pediatric patient within iCAN.
KIDS Illinois is delighted to be a part of iCAN Research.
Contact us at:
Lisa Mulvaney: LMulvaney@luriechildrens.org